Reviews: ‘#Female Pleasure,’ ‘¡Las Sandinistas!’: "the herstory of the Nicaraguan revolution comes alive in all its feminist glory thanks to Jenny Murray’s debut documentary feature “¡Las Sandinistas!”
LA Times

Film Review: ‘¡Las Sandinistas!’: A ground's-eye-view documentary retrieves the Sandinistas from pop mythology, revealing women's central role in the Nicaraguan revolution.

SXSW documentary ¡Las Sandinistas! spotlights women revolutionaries: Watch a clip
Entertainment Weekly

"A rousing, tribute to the female members of Nicaragua’s revolutionary Sandinista party."
The Hollywood Reporter

'¡Las Sandinistas!': How Hundreds of Source Materials Captured a Revolution
No Film School

"!Las Sandinistas! is Jenny Murray’s first feature-length documentary and a fascinating tale chronicling the rise and fall of the revolutionary group that overthrew the Nicaraguan government. Shifting from the viewpoint of the various lead subjects, !Las Sandinistas! elevates its subject matter beyond mere footnote in the Iran Contra debacle, giving us powerful peek into the female half of the revolution."
Rotten Tomatoes

‘¡Las Sandinistas!’: A Revolution Remembered
The Indypendent

Women Warriors ¡LAS SANDINISTAS! Interview ahead of Mendocino Film Festival
Forthright Radio

2018 Maryland Film Festival Announces Documentary Lineup
Film Pulse

¡Las Sandinistas! Austin Premiere Celebrates The Power Of Women

"10 Documentaries to Watch out for in 2018"
Austin American-Statesman

"¡Las Sandinistas! does a first-class job of exploring the risks and rewards of putting your life on the line for what you believe is right."

"This is one of the best documentaries I have seen in a while, and I hope gets seen enough to make it into contention for next year’s Academy Awards. It’s certainly Oscar-worthy. If this is the best movie I see at SXSW this year, I will have had a great festival."
Graphic Policy

"Women who fought and died for the Sandinistas tell stories about the triumphs--and failures--of the Nicaraguan revolution in this fascinating feminist documentary."
Screen Anarchy

"Murray explores this all with shocking depth and stunning detail, creating a powerful portrait of the nature of freedom and what it means to be willing to die to earn it."
Glide Magazine

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